Via.Eth Project Update #3

The first update of June will be a short one. I’m currently working on getting bootstrap working in Pay.Via.Eth with the updated version of its codebase. The site has also reached a small milestone of visitors, and this most recent weekend has marked the first period where the site could be considered “Open.” You can view a demo of Pay.Via.Eth in our live store where you can purchase three products/services. I’m unsure when the next round of GitCoin will start, but I would like to have some actual code and fixes contributed before then.

Via.Eth Project Update #2

The second project update will be disappointing to read for some people. I found a job! Unfortunately, I need food and shelter to survive, so I’ve taken a 9-5 web-dev position. Development of PayViaEth and any other projects under the ViaEth banner, while slowed down, is not canceled or stopped. There are only so many hours in a day, and I will have to devote some of them to life.

Progress: I am still checking everything in the git repo and working through the list of items included in the reply from the plugin directory. There are also some website-related things I need to take care of and prepare for the next GitCoin round. Hopefully, my timeline isn’t too far off. So I’ll need to take a moment to update it.
If you have experience with WordPress plugins or PHP code, check out PayViaEth and submit a pull request!

Via.Eth Project Update #1

  • What I’m currently working on.

I’m currently working on the alpha version of PayViaEth. I’m pushing ahead with some of the early bug fixes and plugin standards. I also want to get set up on to get the plugin listed in the plugin directory. In addition, I’m working on getting the website organized and ready for visitors and getting the formatting down for updates (Such as This) and other content. Finally, I’m still becoming familiar with the public Github tools and issue tracking.

  • My Progress.

All of my progress is public at the moment. You can check out GitHub for more info. The plugin is still in the alpha stages, but I’m making headway on listing and fixing some of the bugs. I would follow the “Alpha Fixes” milestone on GitHub for development tracking. I’ve also started working on NFT solidity code, but that’s mostly research, so I can’t give you a clear picture of where that’s going. I’ve submitted the plugin to and received a list of issues preventing it from being posted. You can get more info about this on the project Github.

  • Other Notes and Info.

For most of GR8 and some of GR9, I had to take a full-time position which is why I used a third-party programmer who worked with me to push out code pretty fast. You can find more info in the PayViaEth git repo hosted on GitHub.

I can not stress enough the need for shared scrutiny in the alpha stages. Please look at the code and open an issue for code lines that don’t fit into the world-class piece of Webware we are building. 

I’ve also been going back and forth on handling version numbers. I want to keep it pretty simple and promote rapid development, so I’ll be using X.Y.Z with X being major (must update), Y being minor (feature updates), and Z being bug fixes. As I’m typing this, I realize I should somehow add this to the documentation.